Orphans Bet Roulette

Master the Orphelins Bet: With CasinoAlpha's Ultimate Guide

8 min

Want to try a more advanced roulette bet? The Orphans bet lets you cover unique numbers on the wheel. Learn how it works and what the payouts look like & get tips and tricks from real casino players, all just by reading our guide. Ready?

The Orphelins Bet: Roulette’s Hidden Gem

What is the Orphelins (Orphans) An Orphans or Orphelins bet is a type of wagering strategy where you place 5 chips that cover 8 numbers on the wheel. You’ll need to be familiar with straight-up and split bets.

What are straight-ups and splits?

A straight-up is a wager on any single number on the Roulette wheel. It pays out 35/1. Splits are inside wagers that cover 2 different numbers. It pays out 17/1.

Spots included in Orphelins

Split bets

  • 6/9
  • 14/17
  • 17/20
  • 31/34

Straight-up bets

  • 1
  • 26
  • 15
  • 35

Orphelins, Voisins, and Tiers Orphelins, Voisins, and Tiers represent segments on a Roulette wheel that you may wager on. Altogether, they cover the entire wheel. Today, experienced UK players refer to these as French or Call bets. Because they are not featured on all tables, you may need to announce them before you wager your chips.


Regarding placement, there is no common ground between these three types of bets. The only thing that links them is that they all use a split wager.

Voisins du Zero

Directly translated to Neighbours of Zero, this wager focuses on the numbers close to 0 on the table, from 22 to 25. It consists of split bets, a corner bet, and a 0, 2, and 3 splits. The strategy is fully explained in our Voisins du Zero guide.

Here are the spots to bet on and their odds

Roulette wheel numbers European odds American odds
4, 7 5.4% 5.3%
12, 15 5.4% 5.3%
18, 21 5.4% 5.3%
19, 22 5.4% 5.3%
32, 35 5.4% 5.3%
0, 2,3 8.1% 7.9%
25, 26, 28, 29 10.8% 10.5%


You have an overall 45.9% chance of winning with all these played at once.

Tiers du Cylindre

The wager refers to a third of the wheel, hence its French name. It stretches from spots 27 to 33, covering 12 numbers. Tiers is the second major Call wager you can make. It entails placing 6 splits on the relevant numbers.

Here are all the combinations and numbers you will be covering and the proposed odds

Roulette wheel numbers European odds American odds
5, 8 5.4% 5.3%
11, 10 5.4% 5.3%
13, 16 5.4% 5.3%
23, 24 5.4% 5.3%
27, 30 5.4% 5.3%
33, 36 5.4% 5.3%
25, 26, 28, 29 5.4% 5.3%

Overall, you have a 32% chance of winning a Tiers.


Get up to date with the Roulette wheel online numbers and how they’re ordered differently in each game variant. You’ll have an easier time placing Orphans bets if you know the number order.

Orphelins en Plein

Orphelins en Plein Orphelins en Plein is the more basic version of the Orphans wager. UK players need to use 8 chips to cover 8 numbers. It is straightforward to place it on any Roulette game since it involves 8 straight-up bets.

Where to play en Plein wagers

Since this subtype of Orphans involves only straight-up wagers, you don’t need a specific game variant. You can load up any game to practice. All you need to be aware of is playing on a trusted platform. Choose from the top UK casinos list, as they are all manually verified for trustiness. Check out the available Roulette games in our review.

How to place an Orphelins en Plein bet

En Plein requires that you wager 1 chip on the following numbers: 1, 6, 9, 14, 17, 20, 31, 34

Orphelins en Cheval

Orphelins en Cheval The second and a bit more complicated version of Orphans is known as en Cheval. Now, instead of placing 8 straight-up bets on 8 numbers, you will be wagering on various splits and one straight-up using 5 chips. You will still be covering all Orphans while investing fewer chips.

En Cheval wager tips

This wager might need some time for accommodation, so you’ll be best served if you start with a Roulette bonus. Claim your extra funds and play Roulette online for real money with double your bankroll.

How to place an Orphelins en Cheval bet

En Cheval requires betting 1 chip on the following combinations: 1, 6/9, 14/17, 17/20, 31/34

Beat the Wheel: The Odds of Orphans Bet

Odds for Orphelins en Plein (European)

Spots Chips Odds Payout
1 1 2.7% 35:1
6 1 2.7% 35:1
9 1 2.7% 35:1
14 1 2.7% 35:1
17 1 2.7% 35:1
20 1 2.7% 35:1
31 1 2.7% 35:1
34 1 2.7% 35:1
Total 8 21.6% 35:1


It’s a known fact that your odds are better when playing the European variant instead of American. Choose your best from our selection of European Roulette casinos that host multiple game versions and allow a wide range of special wagers, including Orphans.

Odds for Orphelins en Cheval (European)

Spots Chips Odds Payout
1 1 2.7% 35:1
6/9 1 5.4% 17:1
14/17 1 5.4% 17:1
17/20 1 5.4% 17:1
31/34 1 5.4% 17:1
Total 5 24.3% 17:1

Orphans Bet in Action: Its Working Principles

We will have two different results when wagering with one or the other type of Orphan bet.

A simple example is placing a £10 chip on each spot

  • En Plein is pretty straightforward; each spot gets a £10 chip
  • The payout for a straight-up is 35:1
  • If one of your numbers hits, you will receive a £350 payout, with a net profit of £310
  • For en Cheval, you’d place one straight-up on number 1 and 4 splits for the others
  • With a payout of 17:1, a winning split will get you a £170 payout, with a net profit of £140

Orphans bet results summarised

Round results Orphelins en Plein Net profits/losses Orphelins en cheval Net profits/losses
1 +£350 / -£40 losing bets £310 net profit +£350 / -£40 losing bets £310 net profit
17 +£350 / -£40 losing bets £310 net profit +£340 / -£30 losing bets £310 net profit
6,9,14,20,31,34 +£350 / -£40 losing bets £310 net profit +£170 / -£40 losing bets £140 net profit

Best result for the Orphans bet

The best result when betting on the Orphans is winning a straight-up selection. Thus, you get the best net profit whenever you hit 1 or any other relevant individual number. For En Cheval, the best outcome in terms of payout is winning your straight-up bet on 1. However, betting on 17 gives you the best odds because it’s covered by two different splits.

Best Roulette type for the Orphans bet

The best Roulette type to place Orphans wagers on is the French variant.


French Roulette is like the European version in that it has just one zero. So, your odds of winning in French Roulette are the same as in its European counterpart. The board is set up differently from the American variant, which comes with a double-zero. Read our guide and go deeper into how the European and American Roulette versions work.

The Orphans Bet Compared to Roulette’s Best

Bet types Odds Maximum profit / £10 Maximum loss / £10
Orphelins 21.6% £350 £50
Voisins 45.9% £170 £90
Tiers 32.4% £170 £60
Outside bets 48.6% (even money) 32.4% (dozens and columns) £10 £20 £10
Black splits 37.8% £170 £70

As you can see, betting on the Orphans is the most profitable type of French wager that you can make on the Roulette wheel. However, it tends to have low odds, meaning it will be harder to get right. It’s not difficult to see why. You bet on single numbers, which increases risk considerably.

Strategies that use 1:1 bets

Even though Orphan bets are the most profitable, outside bets are more commonly used in Roulette. They are basic and easy to understand, and most new UK players tend to use them. If you are a more experienced player, you will know that outside bets are used in various Roulette strategies:

Our Final Take on The Orphans Bet

Exploring the Orphans Bet has shown us a unique facet of Roulette. This bet, with a touch of European essence, offers a distinct approach to the game. Comparing it with other bets like Voisins and Tiers unveils diverse strategies awaiting Roulette enthusiasts. The Orphans Bet not only enriches our understanding of the game but also adds a sprinkle of excitement to each spin, making the Roulette adventure more engaging and rewarding.

Cosmin Brehoi
AuthorCosmin BrehoiAuthor & Editor at CasinoAlpha

Since forever a student of life and writer at his core, he loves to gamble on football matches in his spare time. Combining the art of prediction and a rigorously trained intuition, he has joined the iGaming world to promote a responsible and data-driven approach to sports betting.

Adina Minculescu
ReviewerAdina MinculescuSenior Author & Editor at CasinoAlpha

Adina's analytical way of thinking is what gamblers need to understand the casino market. With her expertise in this niche combined with her studies in linguistic typology and hermeneutics, you will get the essential help to make informed financial decisions. Let her be your reliable guide!